Since our company was established in 1986. We have always held on to the concept of quality with on time delivery and competitive pricing. To achieve these goals, we have paid much attention to employee testing as well as modern up to date production and testing equipment.
For the improvement of our employees, we have asked the metals industries research and development center (M.I.R.D.C.), management consultants for guidance and to conduct training courses. As one result of this continuous training, we obtained ISO 9002 certification in December 1998. This training is still on going.
To improve quality and provide reliable material certification of our castings, we are constantly purchasing and up grading our testing equipment which includes spectrometer analysis, tensile, hardness, metallographic testing as well as temperature measurement and control equipment.
It is said in one old Chinese proverb. That "It is hard to establish a business, but also very difficult to keep it open". We have never shrunk from this challenge and will continue to invest in people and equipment, to be able to face the stiff competition, which is becoming more apparent in world markets every day.
As for ourselves, we regard the harmony between employers; employees and our valled customers to be of the utmost importance-both in life and in business and that this harmonious co-existence will result in prosperity for all, both now and in the future.
investment lost wax casting only, main products, all kinds for valve, fiting, pump, strainer & machine parts. Manufacture main aaterial:stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel & special accoy, under customers need.