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1.    Tennis Strings

Tennis Strings


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1. Best Japan-made poly fibre string from taiwan.
2. Great control and playability.
3. Poly string-in orange and natural color.
4. Gauge:1.25mm and 1.30mm.
2.    Tennis Grips

Tennis Grips


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1. Elastic and sticky pro grip-for tennis, squash, badminton and beach racket and padel rackets.
3.    Tennis Balls

Tennis Balls


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1. Made in Indonesia-tour plus ball and trainer ball, etc.
2. Very professional tennis racquet.
4.    Padel Tennis Racquets

Padel Tennis Racquets


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1. Popular in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, etc.
2. Fiberglass and graphite with softer PU form inside for ball control
5.    Graphite Badminton Rackets

Graphite Badminton Rackets


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1. Composition: 100% cabon.
2. Cross section: 11.5~13mm straight beam.
3. Length: 27 inch.
4. Weight: 90~94 g (strung).
5. Balance: 30.5~31 cm.
6. Stiffness: stiff shaft.
6.    Carbon Tennis Players Racquets

Carbon Tennis Players Racquets


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Full collection-for beginners, lady players, vets players, young players, recreation players, double players, etc. Professional tennis racquet manufacturering for 20 years.
Providing any size according to clients' requests.
7.    Beach Tennis Racquets

Beach Tennis Racquets


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Made by fiberglass and graphite-a new sport growing in south Europe review our website for more different models.
Providing any size according to clients' requests.
8.    Badminton Strings

Badminton Strings


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1. FB-70-most popular and big sale string in badminton market.
2. Strung tension can be up to: 28Lb.
3.Gauge:0.66mm, 0.70mm, 0.75mm.
9.    Badminton Sets

Badminton Sets


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new sports for freedom, the most cheap racket sports-for people in holiday, weekend, it can be played in beach, park ,Greenland, school, any places without worrying string break off.
10.    Aluminum Junior Racquets

Aluminum Junior Racquets


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1. Endurable and excellent quality.
2. Professional tennis racquet manufacturering for 20 years.

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