The Company Profile of Asian First Refrigeration Co.,Ltd.
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Asian First Refrigeration Co.,Ltd.

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  Company Description
We have wide selections of products in Refrigeration, Automotive and hand tools and many more; all these products are the results of hard work of the past 20 years.
We have customers all over the world that support our growth. The supports and faith of our customers are the reasons we keep pushing ourselves to be our best.

Refrigeration Equipment And Spare Parts, Manifold Gauges, Service Tools, Tube Cutters, Equipment and spare parts, refrigeration manifold gauges, refrigeration service tools, hand tools, auto diagnostic tools, Oil separators, receivers, accumulators & heat exchangers, condensers, discharge mufflers, replaceable fitter-driers, fitter driers, moisture Indicators, shut off valves, refrigerant gauges, relays, latches, hinges, refrigerant tube fittings, manifold gauges, refrigerant gauges, charging hoses, service couplers, can tap valves & adapters, vacuum pumps, tube cutters, flaring tools, tube benders, swaging tools, service tools, gear pullers, bearing pullers, ball joint separators, valve lifters, strap & oil filter wrenches, ratchet wrenches, snap ring pliers, wrenches & spanners, fuel injection test kits, compression tester kits, fuel injection cleaner, disconnect set

  Contact information
Company :  Asian First Refrigeration Co.,Ltd.
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  Taiwan
Address :  *********

1. Eccentric Cone Type Flaring Tools
2. Flexible Gear Wrench
3. Fuel Injection Test Kits
4. Gear Puller 4&Quot; &Amp; 7&Quot; CR-V
5. Lever-Type Tube Benders
6. Manifold Gauge Set - Aluminum R410a
7. Safty Latches (New Type Strike)
8. Torque Wrench
9. Tube Cutters
10. Upward Outlet Receivers
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