Vision Wide Tech Co., Ltd. – Product Catalog
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Vision Wide Tech Co., Ltd.
Products Catalog
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1.     Vertical Machining Centers

Vertical Machining Centers


1. Adopted four box guide ways to achieve the most rigid support for X- and Y- axis.
2. Ball-screws use the unique pre-pull mechanism to average the load on parts, assuring the best accuracy.
3. 3 axes transmission by direct driven with ...
2.     Vertical Machining Centers

Vertical Machining Centers


1. Adopted four box guide ways to achieve the most rigid support for X- and Y- axis.
2. Ball-screws use the unique pre-pull mechanism to average the load on parts, assuring the best accuracy.
3. 3 axes transmission by direct driven with ...
3.     Vertical Machining Centers

Vertical Machining Centers


1. Extra wider heavy-dury square slideways.
2. The slideway adoption of Meehanite casting that are hardened, ground, and coated with TURCITE to reduce friction.
3. Extra wide saddle support table, achieving heavy machining ability and overall, ...
4.     Vertical Machining Centers

Vertical Machining Centers


1. Extra wider heavy-dury square slideways.
2. The slideway adoption of Meehanite casting that are hardened, ground, and coated with TURCITE to reduce friction.
3. Extra wide saddle support table, achieving heavy machining ability and overall, ...
5.     Double Column Machines

Double Column Machines


Hardware features: supporting high precision and reliability.
1. V-shaped base structure with high rigidity designs, allowing wide guide-way maintaining best optimum dynamic precision massive feed in.
2. Super-sized Column structure and big ...
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