Better Enterprise Co., Ltd. was founded in 1978 on an ethical standard which strives to ensure reliability, dependability, and efficiency throughout all aspects and levels of business. It has earned the trust of clients and suppliers alike by adhering to this philosophy.
Better Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a "ONE STOP SHOP" for the following:
* Global Sourcing;
* Plumbing Sourcing Solutions;
* Contract Manufacturing;
* OEM parts, assemblies and finished products.
With our over 26-year business experience in the Far East, particularly in Taiwan and China, we believe that Better Enterprise Co., Ltd. will be able to satisfy your needs!
Contact Us now! choose BETTER, always better!
Commercial Line: Rotary Waste Drain, Faucet and Component, Pre-rinse Unit, Foot Insert, Foot Leg, Handle and Pull, Hinge, Latche, Leg Socket, Shelf Bracket, Caster, Drawer Slide, Plumbing Specialty, Bath Tub Waste and Overflow, Bath Tub Spout, Shower Head, Pop-up Waste, Tank Ball and Flapper, Tank Lever, Tank Bolt, Ballcock and Flush Valve, Closet Spud, Compression Coupling, Sink Trap Elbow, Escutcheon Flange, Flexible Supply Hose, Pipe Fitting, Test Plug, Lavatory Faucet, Kitchen Faucet, Tub and Shower Faucet, Combination Wall Faucet, Service Sink Faucet, Bathcock Faucet, Bar Faucet, Laundry Tray Faucet, Single Basin Faucet, Automatic Faucet, Repair Parts, Duo Basket Strainer, Deep Cup Basket Strainer, Twist and Lock Strainer, Easy Mount Strainer, Duplex Sink Strainer, Flat Top Strainer, Junior Duo Strainer, Tray Plug Sink Strainer, Bar Sink Strainer, Disposer Flange, Shower Drainage, Trap and Bend, Cleanout Plug, Coverall Drainage, Floor Drainage, Roof Drainage, Closet Flange, Coverall Cleanout, Closet Bend, Fit All Lead Plug, Floor Sink, Yard Hydrant, Well Point, Well Seal, Well Cap, Pitch Pump, Pressure Gauge, Pressure Switch, Check Valve, Insert Fitting, Pitless Adapter, Relief Valve, Tank Tee, Torque Arrestor, Gate Valve, Ball Valve, Check Valve, Foot Valve, Swing Check Valve, Stop and Waste Valve, Bibb and Cock, Boiler Drain, Frost Proof Sillcock, Globe Valve, Radiator Valve, Steam Valve, Butterfly Valve, Float Valve, Plumbing Tool, Tubing Cutter, Basin Wrench, Seat Wrench, Pipe Wrench, Socket Wrench, Spud Wrench, Strap Wrench, Handle Puller, Trap Plug Wrench, Flaring Tool, Cleaning Brush, Hacksaw, Toilet Auger, Utility Knife, Bathroom Accessory, Towel Bar, Towel Ring, Towel Rack, Toilet Paper Holder, Toilet Brush Holder, Tumbler and Toothbrush Holder, Soap Dish, Shelf, Robe Hook, Mirror Holder