The Company Profile of Swein Enterprise Co., Ltd.
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Swein Enterprise Co., Ltd.

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  Company Description
SWEIN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD is a major exporter of used plastic injection molding machines in Taiwan for such a long time . In order to offer the best service to our customers. We have large warehouse and keep 100 machines from 50 tons to 1550 tons in stock at any time. Most of our stock machines are Taiwan made, CHENG HSONG , SUPER MASTER , HWA CHIN , YONG CHIN , FCS , VICTOR , YEAR CHANCE , OMC, HWARONG, MULTIPLAS, NANRONG , TMC..

We also provide some Japanese machines such as JSW , NISSIN , TOYO, MITSUBISHI, TOSHIBA, even Astra made ENGLE.

If customer needed more big machines or special inquiries such as blow machines , extrusion machines, die casting machines….we can search them from factories or other dealers to find them.

Our major task is to enlarge machine life and provide very competitive prices to our customers. Of course, machines should be working well. We do T/T payment and accept LC payment too.

We also supply plastic accessories like hopper dryer, robot , cooler , material loader, crusher and other used machines such as EDM , lathe , CNC machines , press machines , drilling machines , milling machines ….

Let us have an opportunity to service you, Sir
(1) Used Injection Molding Machines
(2) Used Blow Molding Machines
(3) Second-Hand machines : Vertical milling machine, EDM machine, etc

  Contact information
Company :  Swein Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  Taiwan
Address :  *********

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