The Company Profile of YM Corp.
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YM Corp.

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  Company Description
YM CORP is located in South Korea. We are a reliable leading trader and manufacturer, security and cellular jammer, and other security, of high quality products with competitive prices to the worldwide.

cellular jammer, cellular phone jammer, mobilephone jammer, mobile jammer, cellular immobilizer, cellular phone immobilizer, mobile immobilizer,
cellular blocker, mobile blocker, security, safe film,
security film, GPS jammer, SPY cam jammer, PC based digital surveillance, DVR, Handheld ( portable ) Cellular Phone Jammer, Cellular Phone Detecter, Defense, Safe, Security Film for Glass, bulletproof glass, a bullet,resistant window,

- handheld (portable) jammer
- jammer for included 3G (UMTS, CDMA2000)
- all band block jammer (Nextel/AMPS/CDMA800/GSM900/GSM1800/PCS1900/3G (UMTS, CDMA2000))
- big power jammer ( 20 watt, 60 watt )-block 3km more
- GPS jammer
- SPYCAM jammer
- WIFI Jammer
-DVR(PC based digital surveillance)
-Cellular Phone Detecter
- Defense, Safe, Security Film for Glass, bulletproof glass, a bullet,resistant window

Please see our web site and tell us model number ( check block system and block range)
that you are interested in ?????

Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,

youngmo ahn / president / ym corp / korea
cellular jammer, cellular phone jammer, mobilephone jammer, mobile jammer, cellular immobilizer, cellular phone immobilizer, mobile immobilizer,
cellular blocker, mobile blocker, security, safe film,
security film, GPS jammer, SPY cam jammer, PC based digital surveillance, DVR, Handheld ( portable ) Cellular Phone Jammer, Cellular Phone Detecter, Defense, Safe, Security Film for Glass, bulletproof glass, a bullet,resistant window, WIFI Jammer,

  Contact information
Company :  YM Corp.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  South Korea
Address :  *********

1. Cellphone Jammer
2. Cellular Jammer
3. Cellular Jammer
4. Cellular Jammer
5. Cellular Jammer
6. Cellular Jammer For All Band
7. GPS Jammer
8. Mobile Phone Immobilizer
9. Portable Cellular Jammer
10. SPYCAM, WIFI Jammer
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