The Company Profile of Sanmar Speciality Chemicals Ltd. (Intec Polymers Division)
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Sanmar Speciality Chemicals Ltd. (Intec Polymers Division)

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  Company Description
Intec Polymers was set-up in 1977 to manufacture wire enamels for coating copper and aluminium wires for applications such as transformers and motors. The company has developed its own technology and all growth has come from internally generated cash flow, without any external financing.

In early 1990s, a strategic decision was taken to focus on raw materials for enamels and varnishes. This was based on the Company’s in-depth knowledge of the wire enamels and varnish business, which allowed Intec to develop and test the raw materials internally before commercialization.

The company's corporate office is based in Mumbai, India and the two production plants are located approximately 175 kilometers north of Mumbai. The second (newer) plant is on a greenfield site in Dadra.

We have obtained ISO 9001 2000 version (quality) and ISO 14001 (safety and environmental responsiveness) certifications from QA International of the UK.
a) Organic Titanates: The titanates are used in a variety of applications such as wire enamels, acrylates, plasticizers, coatings, printing inks, as well as to manufacture specialty titanates.
b) Insoform – (Polyvinyl formal)They used for manufacturing magnetic tapes, wire enamels, aerospace adhesives and glass fibre tapes.
c) Insotal – (Polyvinyl Butyral)They are used as a binder in paints, printing inks and primers. It also finds usage in adhesives and surface coatings in combination with other resins.
d) Blocked PolyIsocyanates – They are used in the production of wire enamels and varnishes.
e) Aromatic / Alliphatic PolyIsocyanates: They are used as hardener component for fast drying two-pack polyurethane coatings. It can also be used in combination with various hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate adhesives.
f) Wire Enamels – They are used for coating copper and aluminium wires.
g) Impregnating Varnishes – They are used for impregnating motors and transformers
h) Phenolic Resins

  Contact information
Company :  Sanmar Speciality Chemicals Ltd. (Intec Polymers Division)
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Country :  India
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