Sunkko Dasing Technology Industrial Co. Ltd. – Product Catalog
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Sunkko Dasing Technology Industrial Co. Ltd.

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1.    SUNKKO 3050A Dual Power Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

SUNKKO 3050A Dual Power Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine


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1. CE approved.
2. Dual power 30w or 50w.
3. LED timer countdown.
4. Auto stop 99 sec. cycle.
5. Durable stainless steel container and cover.
6. Easy to check the operation by see through cover.
7. Suitable for cleaning invisible ...
2.    SUNKKO 152A Multifunction Voltage n Current Meter

SUNKKO 152A Multifunction Voltage n Current Meter


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1. High precision on voltage and current.
2. Maximum constant current protection and circuit protection
3. It could be used as an antistatic soldering station.
4. It could be used as a mobile phone charger.
5. It provides multi-sockets ...
3.    SUNKKO 7003 Intelligent Programmable Vortex(S) Rework Combination

SUNKKO 7003 Intelligent Programmable Vortex(S) Rework Combination


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(included 852d+,933d,863E and 301)
1) sunkko 852d+ intelligent programmable vortex(s) smd rework station:
- Programmable smd rework function.
- Vortex handle design.
- Temperature display and airflow parameter.
- Temperature lock. ...
4.    SUNKKO 938D Intelligent Leadfree Soldering Station

SUNKKO 938D Intelligent Leadfree Soldering Station


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1. 90w super power.
2. Compound tip with heater and sensor.
3. Low temperature alarm device.
4. Temperature lock.
5. Energy save.
6. Antistatic design.

I. Control unit:
Power consumption:85w
Voltage output: ...
5.    SUNKKO 850super Vortex SMD Thermostat Rework Station

SUNKKO 850super Vortex SMD Thermostat Rework Station


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1. Unique vortex handle design.
2. Quick start and thermostat.
3. Energy save.
4. Airflow parameter.
5. Slim handle.

Power consumption (max):750w
Power consumption (steady):300w
Air pump consumption:45w ...

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