The Company Profile of HK Tenseng International Trading Limited
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HK Tenseng International Trading Limited

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  Company Description
HK Tenseng International Trading Limited specializes in the import and export of sewing machines, auxiliary accessories, garment accessories, and embroidered lace. Over the years, we have broadened our business scope to finished garments, textiles, and chemical products.

We offer a diversity of product range that includes rotary hooks, needles, spray adhesive, embroidery machines, garment accessories, and sewing machines. Having successfully established an international trade network, andwe have a large customer base to promote our products. Our products have been well received and enjoy a good reputation with clients throughout Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

We are sure that our high quality products and excellent service will attract more and more customers' appreciation. Contacting us is the first step to build up a successful business relationship between us. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us.
embroidery machine, sewing machine, textile, lace, thread, yarn, fabric

  Contact information
Company :  HK Tenseng International Trading Limited
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Embroidery Machine Parts
2. Embroidery Thread
3. Metallic Yarn
4. Sewing Machine Needle (ORGAN, ORANGE, TULIP)
5. Stainless Steel Mesh Gloves
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