The Company Profile of Yong You equipment Co.
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Yong You equipment Co.

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  Company Description
RVM which is a vending machine that you can place an empty aluminum can in it and it compacts it and pays the person that deposited the can money per can( it is for cleaning the streets and having everyone recycle the old cans and bottles). You can placed them in market and so on. It is a machine that will stop people from putting the empty cans in the garbage but instead returning the cans for money.
>Accepts empty cans (50 to 85 mm in diameter and 85 to 195 mm in height) and non-refillable plastic bottles (55 to 130 mm in diameter and 130 to 360 mm in height).
>Compactor reduces volume of cans by 80 percent and plastic bottles by 60 percent.
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vending machine, reverse vending machine, recycling, equipment

  Contact information
Company :  Yong You equipment Co.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Reverse Vending Machine
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