The Company Profile of Climber Electric and Machinery CO.,LTD
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Climber Electric and Machinery CO.,LTD

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  Company Description
Climber electronic and machinery Co.,ltd is loacated in lianyungang city of jiangsu province of p. R. China. It is a pleasant place with convenient and advantage land, water and air trandportation. The company boasts a strong capacity of production, advanced testing equipment, and a team of skilled staff, most of whom are middle-leavel or high-leavel proffessionals. Covering an area of 15 acres, with a total floor space of 3000 square meters, mainly produces high quality water-cooled generator, air-cooled engine and generator, air compressor, high compressor cleaner, rotary tiller, hand tools. Besides, we are also capable of designing and manufacturing products at clients' request.
The orientation of our company is valuing quality as a lifeline for the enterpride, chents centered and cordially manufacturing the products to the satisfaction of our clients. Our company is ready to work hand in hand with interested clients at home and aboard to build a better fulture.
Imbued with passion and enthusiasm, we are eager for sucess......
diesel generator, gasonline generator, diesel engine, gasonline engine, air comprssor, rotary tiller, hand tools

  Contact information
Company :  Climber Electric and Machinery CO.,LTD
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

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