The Company Profile of Ningbo Yongsheng Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd
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Ningbo Yongsheng Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
Ningbo Yongsheng Machinery Co., Ltd, one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality injection molding machines in China, designs, manufactures and develops Chinese-English  close-loop-controlled precision injection molding machines, Whose products are applicable for engineering plastics and packing articles, for example, PET polyester bottles, polycarbonate, Nylon, ABS, etc plastics products. Meanwhile, our corporation is willing to make to order for special customers.
The machines have clamping forces of 75 to 800 tons and shot weights of 100 to 4500 grams which equipped with advanced electronic and hydraulic control elements imported form USA. Japan, Italy and France, etc countries, possess the characteristics of high rigidity, strong clamping force, high injection pressure and excellent accuracy and durability.
Yongsheng company accumulates years of quintessence of the career and always keeps creation and improvement, whose products have met the requirements of international standardization of production and sold w ell in homeland and abroad.
plastic machine, injection machine, blow machine, extruder, injection molding , molding machine

  Contact information
Company :  Ningbo Yongsheng Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

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