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BD board

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The fairings that we offer are made from 100% high quality ABS plastic material. This product is very light, durable and has elastic type properties ensuring easier fitment and less prone to damage if the bike is dropped. ABS is ideally suited as high quality replacements for expensive genuine parts at a fraction of the cost.

We also offer fairings made from PVC plastic material for the older model Japanese sports bikes. This is the same material that the Japanese bike manufacturers used for their ealier models. Now-a-days ABS is the preferred material as it is not as heavy as PVC panels and more duable. However, PVC is a more cost effective alternative to ABS plastic.

We do Race Replica, Custom Design and Factory Colour paint jobs for most models and years for Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Suzuki sports bikes. We can also supply a wide range of quality aftermarket road and race bike Carbon Fibre parts. Our composite Carbon and Fibreglass parts are stylish, affordable and ideally suited for road bikes, while our 100% Carbon parts are lighter, durable and ideally suited for racing.

motorcycle, fairings, windscreens, carbon, parts, slider, race

  Contact information
Company :  BD board
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Motorcycle Fairings
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