The Company Profile of Hans Innovation Group (CDC)
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Hans Innovation Group (CDC)

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  Company Description
Hans Innovation Group (Australia) - HIG-tech is a registered in Brisbane, Australia, attached to Griffith University in Australia in the high-tech companies, is a doctorate professors and senior engineers and other professionals constitute a team of technical innovation. In Shenzhen, China set up R & D Design Center (China design center) and professional production plants (Shenzhen Factory).
Han Shi Technology (Shenzhen) Product Design Center - Hans Innovation Group (Australia) based in the Shenzhen R & D Design Center HIG-tech (CDC), its main work for the construction and maintenance of on-line analysis of global Internet services platform, the R & D Design and production of small gas generator standard concentration of alcohol, alcohol sensor integrated semiconductor-testing parameters, oral odour detectors gifts, breath-alcohol detector (MEMS precision) Programme and the corresponding LED, LCD module, a product development Five categories of 17 varieties, and customer acceptance ODM.

l alcohol gas generator
l semiconductor gas sensor parameters Tester
l oral odour detectors
l MEMS high-precision alcohol detector programme
l LED, LCD modules alcohol detector
l MEMS gas sensors (MEMS Gas Sensor)
l semiconductor gas sensor (Semiconductor Gas Sensor)
l gas detectors for IC

breath checker, bad breath checker, foul breath checker, bad breath Tester, foul breath tester, bad breath detector, foul breath detector

  Contact information
Company :  Hans Innovation Group (CDC)
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Bad Breath Detector
2. Crystal Heart LCD Figures Show Bad Breath Detector
3. LCD Figures Show Breath Alcohol Tester
4. Penguin LCD Figures Show Bad Breath Checker
5. Three LED Five Level Mini Show Bad Breath Detector
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