Micter Technology Co., Ltd. – Product Catalog
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Micter Technology Co., Ltd.

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1.    GSM home alarm system, able to detect fire/gas, send intruder's image to your mail address and mobil

GSM home alarm system, able to detect fire/gas, send intruder's image to your mail address and mobil


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Model: HASGSM2008C, GSM home alarm system

1.The MMS ( camera photo) is send by SIM card . Just as mobile phone with camera take photo and send photo to another mobile phone. And the alarm PIR and camera can detect Burglar then ...
2.    video camera, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording, E

video camera, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording, E


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Product Feature: video camera, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording, EVR130

1.3 mgapxels pinhole CMOS camera
Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels
Playing speed: 25fps
Recording output ...
3.    mini DVR, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording

mini DVR, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording


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Product Feature: mini dvr, 1.3mega pixel resolution camera glasses, 2G built-in memory, 5 hours long recording, EVR130

1.3 mgapxels pinhole CMOS camera
Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels
Playing speed: 25fps
Recording output format: ...
4.    intelligent vaccum cleaner

intelligent vaccum cleaner


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Model: Rvc20080302, intelligent Vacuum Cleaner

Standard adapter/charger: 24V DC, 500mA linear and 3.5 hours of charging time
Fast adapter/charger: 22V DC, 1.0A switching and 2.5 hours of charging time
Batteries: Ni-Cd and NiMH ...
5.    automatic vacuum cleaner, auto work in different patterns and floor

automatic vacuum cleaner, auto work in different patterns and floor


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Model: Rvc20080301, automatic Vacuum Cleaner

Robotic intelligent vacuum cleaner with remote controller
Usage: in personal house and office
Automatically absorbs the dust and scrap
Cleaner added select function and with remote ...

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