Oilsystems produce oilfilters and oilcentrifuges for engine and vegetable oil.
Oilsystems distinguish with innovative products and also custom-made products.
Your competent partner for oilfilter technology.
From the motor to the oilreprocessing plant.
Today nearly every line of business, industrial machinery, motorcar, agricultural implement,
or private CHP operating company need oil in a highest quality.
Target is always, to feed machinery with oil free of dirty particles. Because dirty particel leads to wear.
The VENTURY Oilfiltertechnology provides new possibilities. The solution is a cleaning-technology which is
independent of the gap of a filter.
Ventury Oilfilter technology
High return because you generate the investment costs already after 4 weeks.
The Ventury oilcentrifuge will put in to cleaning nearly all oils.
- hydraulic oil in cutivate machine and mining u.s.w.
- engie oil in strength-work, truck, agriculture/farming
- gearing oil in wind strength work
- lubricating oil in saw mill
- compressor oil in facility
- pump oil for provider
- lurication oil for cooling used in the machining plant
- raw oil in the oil/processing plants
- basic oil in the oil production
- rapsseed oil as fuel
- sunflower oil for feed stuff
- linseedoil to wood-protection und colour
- deep-fryinf oil of fastfood-carring
- fat out of restaurant
- fish oil from foodindustry
- and some more, speak with us.
New ideas to benefit from.
Out of dirty vegetable oil, lubricant oil or motoroil VENTURY achieves valuable raw
materials and renews their life cycle.
Advantage of the VENTURY-technology
- Precipitation of a great deal of dirt particles
- Presipitation also of small dirt particles
- Improvement of viscosity
- extended oilfilter durability
- Effective wear protection
- Constant precipitation capacity during the overall life cycle
- No single-service-filter-material
- small quantity to dispose
- Rugged metal construction of high-grade alloy
- oiltemperature up to 120°C 250°F degree
- Durability more than 2.000.000 litres
- low costs, starting from 0,1 ct/litre
- amortisation time only 4 weeks
You are very welcome, please visit our website www.oilsystems.de.