The Company Profile of Shenzhen Jieshitong Household Commodity CO.,LTD
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Shenzhen Jieshitong Household Commodity CO.,LTD

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  Company Description
Jieshitong household commodity Company Limited, Shenzhen, are specialized in household goods manufacture and trading, maily deal a winde range of plasctic products, kitchenwares, clearning tools and industrial plastic circulating boxes, OEM gifts and promotional gifts. Our mission is to catch demands and supply of international agents/distributors/traders, overseas large or medium supermarket and domestic supermarket/wholesalers. We are awared of possibility to provide adding value product with the same price in recent years while cost of material increasing. We achieved that through our close cooperation with our customers and suppliers. Our first priority is to add value and improve quality of the products, seeking for the possibilities to decrease the price and cost based on safe and healthy materials. We consistently improve the quality; develop our clients in USA, Europe, Middle-east, South-America and throughout the world. We strive to be the best in the industry and look forward to building up successful business relationship with our clients and suppliers!
tableware, kitchenware, household goods, melamine ware, dishware, dinnerware, cleaning products, home supplies, bottle, cup, kettle, drinkware, pot, pail, basin, fork, pan, spoon, stainless steel kitchenware, vacuum flask

  Contact information
Company :  Shenzhen Jieshitong Household Commodity CO.,LTD
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Stainless Steel Bowl
2. Home Supplies
3. Melamine Kitchenware
4. Tableware
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