The Company Profile of Nantong Composite Material Co., Ltd
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Nantong Composite Material Co., Ltd

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  Company Description
NanTong Composite Material Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) grating and composite material. Our product line includes molded and pultruded grating products. The production, inspection, testing, installation and service are strictly managed and controlled under ISO9001 system.
The deflection and flame spread rate of our products meet industry requirement as per ASTME-84, that allow the extensive usage of the products, such as chemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, water and waste water treatment, metals and mining, transportation, shipping, building etc.
Our mission is to consistently provide our customers with high quality product at the most competitive price and value added service through our worldwide network, team of engineers and sales professionals.
frp molded grating, frp pultruded grating, frp grating , fibergalss grating, frp pultrusion, frp profiole, frp channel, frp angle, frp tube, frp round tube, frp square tube, frp plate, frp plate, frp manhole, frp ramp, frp rod, fiberglass manhole, fiberglass plate, fiberglass tube, fiberglass rod

  Contact information
Company :  Nantong Composite Material Co., Ltd
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

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