The Company Profile of Proking Heating Technologies International Corp.
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Proking Heating Technologies International Corp.

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  Company Description
Proking Heating Technologies Int. Corp. has been one of the leading equipment manufacturers for ball screws and linear guideways’ all processes. It has manufactured equipments and provided the relevant domain-know-how to Tsubaki(Japan), SKF (Taiwan-ABBA), OME(Taiwan), HIWIN(Taiwan), PMI(Taiwan), AMT(Taiwan) and so on. After all the years of the experiences, Proking has grown into a full dimensional equipment manufacturer and is able to provide the knowledge of the complete processing within all steps and the relevant equipments( e.g. 3-dimensional grinders for linear rails, straightening machines, cleaning machines, and etc.)
Induction Heating, Cap Sealing, Hardening, Metal Process, Shrink Fit, Linear Rail, Linear Guideway, Ball Screws, Quenching, Tempering, Annealing, Foil, Inductor, Power Generator, High Frequency, Sealer, Cooling, Coil, Sealing Machine

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Company :  Proking Heating Technologies International Corp.
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Country :  Taiwan
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1. HF-3000 Induction Sealing Machine
2. HLH-4000 Induction Heating Equipment For Linear Guideways
3. SP-30KW Induction Heater
4. WH-7000 Induction Heating Equipment For Ball Screws
5. WS-100 Vertical Type Induction Heating Equipment
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