The Company Profile of haixing wedge wire company
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haixing wedge wire company

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  Company Description
Haixing Wedge wire company founded in 1986, is a major manufacture and supplier of stainless steel filtration products for professional end-users in the world. It is equipped with modern machines and latest technology for the manufacture of high quality welded wedge wire screens in various shapes and size. Now our products have been sold to many countries, such as North America, Europe, The Middle East etc. Our main products include: wedge wire screen, water well screen, tube well screen, hand pump screen, flat panel, sieve bend screen, mining screen, resin traps, header lateral, distributer and collector, filter strainers, screen nozzle, sugar screen, rotary screen, DMS screen and so on.
wedge wire screen, water well screen, oil well screen, sand control screen, filter nozzle, screen nozzle, sieve bend screen, vibrating screen, header laterals, resin traps,bridge slot screen, water intake screen, flat panel, johnson well screen, continuous slot screen, filter candles

  Contact information
Company :  haixing wedge wire company
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Continuous Slot Screen
2. Johnson Well Screen
3. Rod Base Screen
4. Water Well Screen
5. Wedge Wire Screen
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