CESO Handbag Factory, Which established in 1999, has got nearly ten years' experiences in the field of producing bags. Our products include kinds of ladies bags, cosmetic bags, traveling bags, wallets, backpacks, leather crafts, etc. And all of the products are exported to outside China with high quality. During the years of successful operation, we have made friends in the field all around the world.
Currently our factory have 360 workers with more than 10 workshops from tailoring department to packing department etc., We got more than 200 sewing machines and more than ten heat seal machines. Also we get our own developement department handling kinds of develope for the customers.
Our Purchasing department works with kinds of capable material suppliers that are able to offer the high quality material for bag production in time. Basically our monthly production of bags amounts to more than three hundred thousand pieces. And all these bags are under the strict quality control by our quality control department. With the principle of " Honesty is Ceso's First Principle", we would like to offer our best products and services to all our customers.