The Company Profile of Gsou Technology(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd
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Gsou Technology(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
2001,Gsou® set up in Seg S&T park and became one of the first USB webcam manufacturers in China。

2004 In order to improve whole product quality,Gsou started to work with Microsoft.All of Gsou® products passed Microsoft® WHQL(Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Lab) certificates.

2005.Gsou® became the first Strategy Partner of Vimicro®(The largest webcam chipset supplier in the world with more than 70% market share in webcam chipset field)Gsou® won the best quality certificate sponsored by China consumer’s Association and National Computer Quality Control Centre .

2006.11.Gsou® and Vimicro® set up joint lab and manufacturing base.

2007.12 Gsou® was awarded as Vimicro® Recommended webcam Brand and Vimicro® Core Strategy Partner

2007.3 Gsou® started Cyber Bar(Internet bar)Business Union Strategy

2007.5 Gsou® was awarded as First Market Share in Cyber bar market by 2006-2007 China Annual IT Brand Award sponsored by PC WEEKLY. The largest PC magazine in China with more than 800 000 circulation per week.

2008 1,Gsou® started expanding in overseas market and became to offer excellent products and services to customers internationally.

2008.8.Gsou® spent nearly 300 000RMB in changing it’s whole VI system to cope with it’s international strategy with the new brand name Gsou and new website

2008 9.Gsou® moved headquarter to Seg-Hitachi Park to meet business expansion.
webcam, pc camera, usb webcam, mouse, wireless mouse, mice, keyboard, 2,4GHz wireless mouse, web camera

  Contact information
Company :  Gsou Technology(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

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