The Company Profile of Nantong Zhongyao Draka Elevator Products Co., Ltd.
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Nantong Zhongyao Draka Elevator Products Co., Ltd.

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  Company Description
Nantong Zhongyao Draka Elevator Products Co., Ltd. (ZD) designs, manufactures, and distributes a wide range of products to the elevator industry. In addition, ZD further integrates these items into packages that are logistically routed by Draka's distribution network to ensure our customer's most challenging delivery requirements are met.

Lifetime Warranty - Draka has been manufacturing elevator cables for greater than 35 years. Draka Elevator Products' Super-Flex , Super-Duct , Whisper-Flex And Steadi-Flex Cables and metal wireway are all made of the highest quality materials, are rigorously tested and carry our exclusive and unique lifetime warranty. Draka EP engineers all its products to meet the global demand for high-performing, durable and safe elevator cable and components. That's our passion and our promise.

Global Resources - Draka EP's plants in France, Czech Republic, Spain, Brazil, China and the United States fabricate cables, cable assemblies, and elevator components for use all over the world. Together, these facilities employ hundreds of people dedicated to the design and production of products for a demanding elevator world. In order to make sure Draka EP's products arrive at the customer's worksite in a timely fashion, international distribution centers organize, package and load hundreds of orders daily. Draka's global distribution network makes sure that the products are available anywhere in the world.

Approved Partners - To guarantee that customers have access to the most advanced equipment, Draka EP has formed strategic alliances that bring an encompassing array of service, installation, and modernization products to the marketplace. Our Seal of Approval Partner's products complete our comprehensive portfolio. Our partners are selected based on criteria like component quality and how they can improve the performance and safety of your installation for your ultimate satisfaction. We do the research and we provide the support so that you can install the best products available.

In short, Draka Elevator Products provides our customer's, from major elevator manufacturer to independent mechanic, what is required; When and where it's needed. Draka's goal is to always assist in our customers' efforts to lower their total installed, service, and repair costs for each and every one of their projects.
cable, harness, wire, elevator, indicator, push button, lock, seismic sensor, switch

  Contact information
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Country :  China
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