The Company Profile of CC(HK) Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
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CC(HK) Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.

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  Company Description
CC(HK)Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. is specializing in developing, manufacturing and selling of all professional green laser pointers.Produts of the company are widely used in museum, all kinds of exhibition, the guide of journey, the tool of guide for climber and hillman in mountain area,briefing and meeting tool, the best indicator in inspecting building site, medical teaching and the school multi-media teaching.
Our company was founded in 2005, all along take the principle of “Technology-based Learning, Sincerely manage”.At the same time,we persist in continuous improvement, advanced the quality concept ceaselessly. Optimized resource and accumulated technical experience, and provided the quality products, reasonable prices and perfect services for customers.Under the sane growth, the customer perfomance have been all over the world.
Thank you for considering doing business with us. You should find everything you need here on the website, pls feel free to contact us when any attract your eyes!We will bring you all the benefits of these long, reliable relationships: High Quality, Reliable Customer Service and Product Support, an Excellent Warranty and Return Policy, Safety and Security as well as Low Prices!
laser pointer, green laser pointer, led lighting, torch, keychian, gift, toy, sky laser, starriness, toy gun, gunsight, pen, pencil, lighting

  Contact information
Company :  CC(HK) Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. 400mW-700mW High Powered 532nm Green Laser Pointer+Torch
2. 5mW-200mW 5 In 1 High Powered Green Laser Pointer+Strarriness
3. Focusing 532nm Green High Power Laser Pointer Torch
4. Green Laser Riflescope/Red Laser Gunsight
5. Stage Laser Module/Starry Sky Laser/Laser Stage Lighting/Moving Head/Lighting
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