The Company Profile of shenzhen fuhao stelless producter co.,Ltd.
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shenzhen fuhao stelless producter co.,Ltd.

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  Company Description
Regal Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City since its inception in 2005 we have been adhering to the: supreme quality, excellent service, the purpose of pursuing excellence, dedication to serve the public trust by customers.

    The company's products have been used in Hong Kong Tong memory, Di Shini Park, Shenzhen Golf Garden, 100 Homestead Garden, Huangpu Nga, cotton embroidery Garden, Island Resort, blue sea and sky, pure waterfront, Neuschwanstein Castle, Silver Lake Villa large garden and private houses.

    Instance of Project: International Trade Market, spin tourist restaurant, Rainbow Market, Wuzhou Guest House, Christmas Court Hotel, hunting Period Square, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Science Park branch, the Phoenix branch, OCT branch, Vientiane City and other stainless steel decoration, Hong domain central stainless steel housing entrance doors, public residential building intercom gold, stainless steel door unit renovation project.
Metal trash, Metal distribution box, Distribution box, Trash, Metal lockers, Shelf, Metal security door, Security Door, Metal shelves, Power Doors, Electric retractable door, Stainless steel pull-gate, Metal, Stainless steel shelf, Direct sign of metal, Invisible fence, Stainless Steel Products, Security net, Highway fence, Metal processing parts

  Contact information
Company :  shenzhen fuhao stelless producter co.,Ltd.
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Country :  China
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