The Company Profile of Hongtek Filtration CO., Ltd.
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Hongtek Filtration CO., Ltd.

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  Company Description
Hongtek filtration Co.,Ltd is a hi-tech enterprise professionally producing filtering materials.We use melt blown technology to produce 6 series of none-woven fabrics.Our products include more than 100 items such as pleated filter cartridge,and pp melt blown filter cartridge, string wound filter cartridge,carbon filter cartridge,bag filter ect.

Our products are widely used in pharmaceutical,chemical, food beverage,electronic and petroleum industry which are involved in air purification and water filtration.Now our products sell well in Asia,the Middle East, Europe and Oceania,Africa,South America ,We feel very confident about our future because of our advanced technology and potential development.
PP melt blown filter cartridge , carbon block filter cartridges, string wound filter, filter bags, Membrane pleated filter, cartridge filter, water filter, Pool & Spa Filter Cartridges, Silver Sentinel, oil filtering, liquid filtration, filter China, water filter, filter, filtration, wound filter, carbon filter, filter cartridge, cartridge filter, water treatment

  Contact information
Company :  Hongtek Filtration CO., Ltd.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Carbon Block Filter Cartridges
2. Membrane Pleated Filter Cartridges
3. PP Melt Blown Cartridges
4. Silver Sentinel Filter
5. String Wound Filter Cartridges
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