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tofo international

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Our Fashion Designer Velimir Marinov is from Europe he is Italian and Bulgarian blood. He have Masters Degree for Fashion Designer from the TOP 5 University in the World. He has very strong background and experience. He working for big company like VERSACE, ARMANI,FERRE,VICTORIA SECRET,HM,QUELLE,NECKERMAN,UK GARMENTS. He is the winner for a lot of competition in Europe and Open Society Soros Foundation, He is Fashion Designer in than more from 60 Fashion show and in the Festival in Out Couture and Avangard Fashion. He was making Fashion show in London, Coventry and Birmingam. He is Designer for stage and he have certificate for Scenography Special Art School, in Europe have only 2 Art and Scenography College he is graduated in 1 of them. From Open Society Soros Foundation, he have certificate for the best student and for Great Academic Successes. He have 35 exebitions for painting. He is good artist and textiles artist. All his professors are famous personals and Fashion and Interior designers. He had a lot of publication in the news paper, magazine, and the fashion edition in the TV fashion show. He knows a lot of famous people in this branch. He like his job. When he was yang he was famous mannequin for Visage Fashion Agency.
We making Abaya and hijab for woman and children, Brand name abaya and hijab for Versace, Channel Gucci, Fendi, Burberry, Christian Dior, Lui Vuitton, Dolche and Gabbana, Givenchi, Cristian Lacroiax,Cartier. Jalabiya for lady and for children, casual and for party, Brand name Jalabiya for Versace,Channel,Guchi,Fendi,Givenchi,Burberry,Cristian Dior,Lui Vuitton,Dolche and Gabbana,Cristian LacroiaxCartier,for woman and for children.Maroko,Kaftan for woman and children, casual and for party, wedding dress, party dress for woman and children, out couture dress, engagement dress,Blouses, skirt, throusers ,jaket,hijab for woman and children, flowergurl dress.
For man we making tobe, brand name tobe with scarf for Armani, Versace,Dolce and Gabanna,Cartier,Lui Vuitton.We making throusers jaket shirt.
We making Luxury design for wedding and engagement stage, planning and organizer from A to Z,, giveaway, centerpieces, flower arrangement, invitation card, for the new baby stand and everything all around for this events. Covering for invitation card, chair caver.
We making Luxury Furniture French style, table chair cabinet ,gift boxes, B arok, Rokoko,Lui 14 style,or mixing new style and tach with old history elements.
We making Luxury Interior Design for hotel rooms, special hall for party, hauses.
We making Luxury Glass design, plates,lampshelds and luxury curtans.
Naw we are in process for cooperating with Brand Name company like Versace,Channel,Guchi,Fendi,Burberry,Cristian Dior,Lui Vuitton,Dolche and Gabbana,Givenchi,Cristian Lacroiax,Cartier. Jalabiya for lady for children, casual and for party,Brand name Jalabiya for Versace,Channel,Guchi,Fendi,Givenchi,Burberry,Cristian Dior,Lui Vuitton,Dolche and Gabbana,Cristian LacroiaxCartier,co-project for the Gulf Area and all the world where people wear muslium cloothes.
Our customers are big family from Bahrain ,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Oman,Egypt,Jordan,UAE,Lebanon,United Kingdom,USA,Singapure,France and country from Europe.

• We established our company 10 years ago Introduction
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dress, wedding dress

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