The Company Profile of The deep lonjie printer
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The deep lonjie printer

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  Company Description
Deep Long Jie technology limited company, is located in the beautiful" International Garden City" -- Shenzhen, with independent intellectual property rights is a high-tech companies, the main universal printer, universal flat-panel printers, clothing universal printer, not limited to any material universal printer. As China''s first universal flat-panel printers R & D and production of professional manufacturers, is committed to customer to provide quality products, personalized digital printing solutions and improve the supporting services, focus on the customer and establish long-term cooperative partnership, promote the industrialization of digital color printing.
As a universal printer industry technology leader in the deep Long Jie technology, over the years invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and related research institute in close cooperation, to capture the universal printer application of a series of problems, create industry first:
Main business: universal printer, flatbed printer, universal flat-panel printers, flat printer, digital printing, digital printing machine, clothing universal printer, plastic universal printer, PVC universal printer, ABS universal printer, PU universal printer, acrylic universal printer, leather universal printer universal printer, glass, metal universal printer, tile universal universal printer, printer, disk, mobile phone casing, computer universal printer, craft universal printer, cylinder universal printer universal printer, stone, wood products universal printer, crystal universal printer
printer, digital printer, flatbed printer, universal printer, digital print machine, clothing digital machine, t-shirt digital machine, glass printer, crystal printer, ceramic flatbed printer, silica gel printer, plastic printer, leather flatbed printer, personality printer, metal flatbed printer, shell faltbed pirnter, stone, wood printer, mobile phone casing,computer printer, ABS,PVCuniversal printer, tile printer

  Contact information
Company :  The deep lonjie printer
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. How To Choose The T Shirt Printers
2. Leather Faltbed Printer
3. Mobile Phone Casing Flatbed Printer
4. Photo Printer Paper
5. Universal Plastic Printer
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