jinzhou wuzhou trading co.,is located in Jinzhou city of Liaoning province which has high-way, railway and air port through north and south in china. There is a Jinzhou Port in jinzhou city which is near Dalian Port, Tianjin Port, Yingkou Port and is very convenient .
We have earned great praise of domestic and overseas market resulting from high quality, reasonable price and accurate shipment. Even the advanced technique, strict quality management system let us feel easy to come into the competitive markets. Cooperative partners are widely located in U.S.A., Canada, South-Asia, South-America, Japan, Korea, Hongkong and so on.
Since the origination we have been developing a lot in the direction of "Specialization, Informationalization and Size-distribution". Our success and rapid growth are also due to the enterprise spirit "Honesty, High-efficiency, Hardworking and Innovation".
Combining our experience, technology, risk management capability, we continue to aggressively expanding into new markets, following our trading philosophy.