The Company Profile of Ningbo Shinny electronic Company
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Ningbo Shinny electronic Company

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  Company Description
Ningbo GOLDSHINE Electronic Co., Ltd. founded in China. GOLDSHINE with just one mission in mind and that is to design and produce the finest High Tech Load Cell, weighing system and coin machine in the world. GOLDSHINE has been in Germany to be certified per ISO9001. GOLDSHINE manufactures a complete line of standard load cells, custom load cells and custom load pins, Weighing systems, Weighing indicators, Crane scales and medical scale etc. GOLDSHINE has the solutions for all your force measurement applications that offer unbeatable accuracy as well as the most competitive prices. Our Load Cell, weighing system and coin machine products are well known to local customers with it's reliable quality and are exported to more than 80 countries including U.S.A, EU and Japan.
Load Cell, Compression Column Load Cell, Compression Load Cell, Single Point Load Cell, Aluminum Alloy Load Cell, Digital Load Cell, Wireless Load Cell, Pressure Transducer Load Cell Sensor, Load Cell Block, Marine Water Bags, Crane System, Medical Scale, Weighing Part, Truck Scale, Floor Scale, Portable Scale, Weigh Beam, Crane Scale, Vending Machine, Weighing Part Indicator

  Contact information
Company :  Ningbo Shinny electronic Company
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Electronic Medical Scale
2. Ended Beam Load Cell
3. Motor Bedframe Load Cell
4. S Beam Load Cell
5. Wireless Dynamometer
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