The Company Profile of Beterva audio and visual company limited
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Beterva audio and visual company limited

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  Company Description
BETERVA is one of the famous conference system manufacturers in China. BETERVA specialized in manufacturing the industry most advanced conference system. With more than 10 years of professional experience in producing the equipments, BETERVA have the knowledge to provide kinds of conference systems ,wired conference system,digital conference system, wireless conference system, IR simultaneous interpretation system for our clients representing many different markets.

Today, BETERVA owns about 10 staffs and 50 workers. They contributes their strength in management department, R&D department, sales department, marketing department, financial department, purchasing department, production department.

Our expertise, nationwide footprint, comprehensive menu of conference system and services make us the ideal partner for all your audio visual needs. Products from BETERVA are used in government, meeting rooms, boardrooms, computer classrooms.

BETERVA are always ready for the challenges, and never stop the steps for producing the better conference system and offering the excellent service to our clients.
conference system, system translation, congress system, interpretation system, conferencing systems, conferencing equipment, conferencing system, translation systems, translation equipment, conference microphone, discussion system

  Contact information
Company :  Beterva audio and visual company limited
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Audio Conference System BE-3500D
2. Audio Conference Systems BE-3510C
3. Conference Equipment BE-IR12F
4. Conference System BE-100C
5. Interpretation System BE-IR6R
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