Dongguan Kexin Electron Co., Ltd. – Product Catalog
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Dongguan Kexin Electron Co., Ltd.

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1.    pcb spindle bearing -516D

pcb spindle bearing -516D


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we can provide other bearing such as:
front bearing, back bearing, thrust bearing (516D,1686,H916C,H920B and so on)
if you are finding them, please feel free to connect us. let us start the service.
2.    TL-60 pressure foot brush

TL-60 pressure foot brush


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Industrial Brushes are used to remove the dust materials and scales from tubes and by that they usually initiate the final cleaning. We are making the brushes of different sizes and shapes with different softness limit according to the need. ...
3.    pressure foot disk insert

pressure foot disk insert


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pressure foot is a part for the pcb drilling or routing machine. and we will provide different style for you, actually, some style is special, but we can product your required, if you provide the sample or drawing, expect your email for everything. ...
4.    pressure foot cup used for pcb machine

pressure foot cup used for pcb machine


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pressure foot cup is a part for the pcb drilling or routing machine. and we will provide different style for you, actually, some style is special, but we can product your required, if you provide the sample or drawing, expect your email for ...
5.    made in china standard PCB forming machine inportant parts 263504 collet

made in china standard PCB forming machine inportant parts 263504 collet


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