ZhuHai KangDing electronics co.,ltd – Product Catalog
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ZhuHai KangDing electronics co.,ltd

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1.    environmentally friendly transformer:

environmentally friendly transformer:


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The environmentally friendly transformer adopts PBT material with high insulating property that is molded with transformer in special die. compared with the transformer being filled and sealed with epoxy resin, it needs no chemical reaction ...
2.    environmentally friendly transformer:

environmentally friendly transformer:


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The environmentally friendly transformer adopts PBT material with high insulating property that is molded with transformer in special die. compared with the transformer being filled and sealed with epoxy resin, it needs no chemical reaction ...
3.    Filling and sealing type transformer:

Filling and sealing type transformer:


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It is composed of anti-flaming PBT engineer plastic case and filled and sealed with high polymer epoxy resin.
The transformer has good insulating property with the
spaces between transformer parts packed and filled with polymer epoxy

4.    tape-wrapped type transformer:

tape-wrapped type transformer:


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It adopts polyester tape with high insulating property to wrap the iron core of the transformer and has no other parts, so the transformer has large heat dissipating surface and low temperature rise, resulting in longer service life of transformer.
5.    iron bridge transformer:

iron bridge transformer:


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Iron bridge is added to the iron bridge type transformer to intensify the structural strength.
As a result, it has solved the problem of dropping
and damage of transformer pins caused by vibration during use and transportation of the product ...

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