The Company Profile of Sino Ventilation Co.,Ltd.
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Sino Ventilation Co.,Ltd.

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  Company Description
Our product brand "SINO VENTILATION", an ABS one step-forming vent, is made from engineering plastic ABS resin material, which Engage in large machinery and one-step forming injection molding works. A new product, which advantage of lower weight, both rigid and flexible, no dewfall, none noise, has an extensive coverage of product applicability, logicality, and high precision as its design philosophy. Sino Ventilation grows up from genius creation of ABS one-step forming molding products to Infinite Combination with different unit parts of inlet vents and outlet vents, as to create a huge combination system, which could be recognized as an innovation against traditional hand-made works completely. With a number of national practicality new patents certification passed and registered, we and our biz partners are protected by state laws.
HVAC, AC, Air condition, Vents, vent, louvers, access panel, ABS, Plastic, supply air, return air, Gable, louver, inlet, outlet, Duct, Grille, Grill, Gypsum, door

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Company :  Sino Ventilation Co.,Ltd.
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Country :  China
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