The Company Profile of Shanghai Chenhua Machinery Co.,Ltd
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Shanghai Chenhua Machinery Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
Shanghai Chenhua Machinery Co., Ltd. is a large-scale business entities specialized in research, development, production and sales of mechanical equipment, mechanical processing, precision measuring tools (cast iron, granite) and component; also, is the only surface plate manufacturers in Shanghai and East China, mainly deals in the design, manufacture, installation, splicing and commissioning of marine fire surface plate, welding platform, large-scale motor test platform, assembly platform, large machine working surface plate and so on.
cast iron surface plate, cast iron surface table, granite surface plate, granite square, granite square ruler, granite parallel, granite v-block, granite square box, cast iron angle plate, cast iron square box, cast iron straight edge, granite straight edge, cast iron v-block, adjustable pad iron, anti-vibration pad iron, surface plate stand, cast iron machine table, granite measuring tool, granite inspection table, cast iron square ruler

  Contact information
Company :  Shanghai Chenhua Machinery Co.,Ltd
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Cast Iron Square Ruler
2. Cast Iron Surface Plate
3. Granite Square
4. Granite Straight Edge
5. Granite Surface Plate
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