The Company Profile of Shanghai Warner Telecom Co.,Ltd
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Shanghai Warner Telecom Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
Shanghai Warner Telecom is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of telecommunications equipment,network solution and energy saving system. As a science & technology innovative company, we are dealing with the R&D, manufacture, distribution and after-sales services of optical network communication equipment, optical fiber cable distribution products, telecom shelters and outdoor telecommunication cabinets with it''s related power system ,control system ,cooling system ,battery system etc .Head of company located in shanghai ,3 branch factory : FTTX factory located in hebei with an area of more than 8,000 square meters, power control factory located in shenzhen and thermal control factory in suzhou . Warner has a well-established team of experts who can meet customers'' specific needs accurately.
network cabinet, server cabinet, outdoor cabinet, telecom cabinet, battery cabinet, industrial air conditioner, heat exchanger, TEC air conditioner, monitoring system, ODF, fiber cross connection cabinet, battery enclosure, telecom shelter, data cabinet, indoor cabinet, power supply cabinet, BTS shelter, base station, electrial cabinet, power cabinet

  Contact information
Company :  Shanghai Warner Telecom Co.,Ltd
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Country :  China
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1. W-TEL Optical Fiber Distribution Frame 12F 24F 48F 96F 144F 256F ODF
2. W-TEL Optical Fiber Distribution Frame 12F 24F 48F 96F 144F 256F ODF
3. W-TEL Outdoor Telecom Cabinet Use Industrial Heat Exchanger
4. W-TEL Telecom Dynamic Environment Supervise Control System For BTS Station Outdoor Cabinet Enclosure
5. WTEL- Outdoor Telecom 200W 300W 500W 48VDC Peltier TEC Cabinet Air Conditioner
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