Taiwan China Asian B2B Commerce! Manufacturers, Products, Suppliers, Exporters, Traders, Importers, Company,Directory, Portal, Marketplace, Globalsources, Machinery,Tradeleads,bulletin board, Ecommerce
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B2B Global Marketing

Awards of the world

Taiwan Commerce has been in this field for about 10 years, in this period, we have won different awards and recognition from the world . In the future, we hope we can be a little help of enterprise from interior management to world-wide Internet business with our strong team, and pioneer technique. Decreasing the possibility of being in difficult position and increasing the competitiveness to face the new world , let us have another Internet miracle.

You can go to these website as below

  • In the 50 top tradeleads indexes of Yam, we are the only one to be listed in the field.
  • CISA choose us to be one of the assistants of 2000 world technology seminar website design.
  • In the 100 top tradeleads indexes of Braking Magazine, we are the only one to be listed on in the field.
  • PC HOME Magazine choose us to be one of the 100 top websites.
  • Pure Gold Award
    The Jeff Hobrath Art Studio
    Singapore Internet Community
    Singapore Internet Community
    This site is King of the Web
    Friends of Eye Candy WWW Site Reviews
    NetGuide Gold Site
    The SNIN Nominee Award
    Grandpa's cool site of the day Award

    第五屆 "中華民國傑出企業領導人千禧紀念金峰獎" 於2000年10月21日隆重舉行頒獎典禮, Commerce國際商貿也在各行各業中脫穎而出,總經理 蔡慶煜 獲頒此項殊榮,除了再次肯定Commerce在資訊網路領域的貢獻外,在所有經營ICP網站中,可說是創舉,而Commerce亦承諾所有客戶將提供更完善、更專業的網路資訊服務,讓所有企業都能從網路當中得到最大利基。