Taiwan China Asian B2B Commerce! Manufacturers, Products, Suppliers, Exporters, Traders, Importers, Company,Directory, Portal, Marketplace, Globalsources, Machinery,Tradeleads,bulletin board, Ecommerce
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B2B Global Marketing
Member Specification Platinum Golden Silver Free
Member level  
Member fee US $2032/ 1 Year US $657/ 1 Year US $299/ 1 Year Free
Showroom 100 pictures 30 pictures 10 pictures 5 pictures
Inquiry-received Y Y Y ------
Trade Lead-received Y Y Y ------
Send/Reply 200 letters/Quarter 100 letters/Quarter 30 letters/Quarter ------
Post offer to sell unlimited unlimited unlimited ------
Home page Showroom 10 pictures/1 Year 2 pictures/1 Year N/A N/A
Rank Priority of Product examination 1st (1~2 work days) 2nd (1~2 work days) 3rd (6~7 work days) Last
Buyer Channel Y Y Y N/A
Keyword Rank Priority 3 keywords ------ ------ ------
Media 1 video ------ ------ ------
Frame Preference 12 kinds N/A N/A N/A
Online Tradeshow Y N/A N/A N/A
My decision


Platinum Member

Platinum Members have access to the exclusive online showroom of 100 products with 24 hours displaying your goods. Among these 100 products displaying, Platinum Members can select the top 10 products to showcase and the 10 selected products will be listed on products showcase on Commerce homepage to increase the products visibility to worldwide buyers. Within the year, Platinum Members are entitled to the above-mentioned services, and can directly respond the inquiries from potential buyers and the matched inquiries from Commerce. In addition, you can also directly contact the interested buyers and enjoy the exclusive services of 3 sets of keywords & participate in online trade shows. First of all, you can choose 3 sets of keywords to effectively enhance the searching ranking on Commerce; in other words, when you set a keyword and buyers search with the keywords you set, your company data will be appeared prior to other members with the same keywords! As long as, your keywords match our trade show theme of the month, Platinum Members are given the priority to participate in our online trade shows to gain exposure. Furthermore, 12 layouts designed by our expertise are available for selection to easily create corporate image and style!

Golden Member

Golden Members have access to the exclusive online showroom of 30 products with 24 hours displaying your goods. Among these 30 products displaying, VIP Members can select the top 2 products to showcase and the 2 selected products will be listed on products showcase on Commerce homepage to increase the products visibility to worldwide buyers. Within the year, VIP Members are entitled to the above-mentioned services, and can directly respond the inquiries from potential buyers and the matched inquiries from Commerce. In addition, you can also directly contact the interested buyers.

Silver Member

Silver Members have access to the exclusive online showroom of 10 products with 24 hours displaying your goods. Within the year, Standard Members can directly respond the inquiries from potential buyers and the matched inquiries from Commerce. In addition, you can also directly contact the interested buyers.

After you apply for Member Club and the payment is effective, you will be informed by Commerce Online that your ID and Password are qualified via email. (Before that, you need to be our free member first. Join Free) With the ID and Password you can send your inquiries to the potential buyers/sellers you find on Commerce Online.

Comparative advantage

Why do I want to join Commerce Club member?
Tradeleads we offer on www.commerce.com.tw are all real and fresh, they are not just catalogs or basic company database. We own real buyers and high quality manufactures to let you promote your company to the world.

Five Major Features of Member Club

1. All trade leads are real-demanded and effective leads.
2. Nearly 600 trade leads be posted to Commerce Online every day.
3. Over 100 thousands international trade leads gather together.
4. Detailed and completed international buyers demand and information.
5. Most trade leads are from European and Americandeveloped countries.

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